How To Deal With Difficult Tenants In Atlanta Georgia

How To Deal With Difficult Tenants Atlanta Georgia Chattanooga Tennessee

Wondering how to deal with difficult tenants?

While it can be frustrating, the issues are usually pretty manageable.

When you are a landlord and the tenants living in your house drive you crazy, you might want to throw your hands up in the air and just give up.

However, you don’t need to take such drastic measures.

Most problems can be handled calmly and rationally when discussed.

Keep reading to learn more about some of our best tips for handling difficult tenants in Atlanta.

How To Deal With Difficult Tenants In Atlanta

Address The Problems Head On

Be calm, rational and try to reason with them.

Often times problems can be worked out if addressed.

A tenant might not be aware of their dog barking all day when they are at work.

But if it is politely brought to their attention, the problem can be solved.

Let the tenant know about any complaints against them and if they are doing something in violation of their lease.

Allow them time to correct their actions before escalating things further.

Most people are pretty reasonable and will work with you to find a solution.

Keep Records of All Communication

When communicating with tenants, it is wise to record all communication in case you need to use it down the road.

Save texts, emails and make notes of physical conversations.

Keep a notebook showing your communication with any and all tenants.

Having this information is very important should you need to deal with the eviction process later on.

Get A Property Management Company Involved

As a landlord, you don’t have to do it all on your own.

Hiring a property management company to do your dirty work can ultimately save you time and money in the long run.

A property management company will be extremely well versed in the law and rights of the landlord and tenant.

Their experience and expertise will help you handle difficult tenants and with the eviction process if it comes to that.

The best part is that you basically just pass off the bad tenants to them.

We have all of our rentals under management.

It frees up so much valuable time that it’s worth the 10% management fee.

Raise The Rents

You can’t raise the rents on your tenants until the lease has expired.

If the expiration is coming up, notify them that the rents will be raised.

(Better yet, if you have the option, simply don’t renew it.)

Doing so might get them to leave on their own.

Most people start trying to find a new place to live as soon as they know that rent increases are coming.

Make sure you are doing everything legally and by the book.

You don’t want to give a bad tenant any legroom to capitalize on your poor judgment.

You don’t want the rent increase to be illegal.


If you have had enough and really want them out of your house, your final option (besides selling your rental property) is an eviction.

You cannot change the locks, throw out their stuff, turn off the utilities or harass them in any way.

Try to avoid the common eviction mistakes that most landlords make.

You will need to properly file the eviction notice, providing cause as to why you want them out.

Prepare your case by providing all of the supporting documentation you have available.

It may take a while to get through the system, but once the courts see your case, you will be able to force them to leave right away.

If they are still refusing to leave, you can call the local sheriff’s office and have them escorted out the difficult way.

Hopefully, you are able to resolve your differences before it gets to this point.

Eviction isn’t only unpleasant for them, it can be trying for you as well.

That said, the benefits of owning a rental property far outweigh the negative things that can happen.

As with any investment, it is best to be prepared for how to deal with bad tenants.

Sell The Property

No matter how bad the tenants are…

No matter whether you’re in the middle of eviction…

And no matter how bad the property condition is…

We can buy your rental with horrible tenants living in it.

Stop wondering how to deal with bad tenants.

Just sell the dang thing and invest in a better property.

Are you ready to sell a Atlanta rental property? We can help! Send us a message or give us a call today! (404) 801-4040‬

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